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Smart Adaptive Clothing

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In 2005 Nancy Connor, founder of Smart Adaptive Clothing, noticed changes in her dad. It started with little things that led to big things—and an eventual (and much-dreaded) Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Her father, “Bo,” broke his hip twice which required skilled nursing and rehab. Due to this set of conditions, Bo no longer wore his signature style of button-down shirts paired with pressed slacks—his “power uniform” he wore every day during his previous time in the business world.

Now, Bo was dressed daily in sweat pants and sweat shirts—mainly due to the convenience and ease of putting on and taking off this type of clothing. Dressing this way, though, affected how Bo felt. Plus, it was especially hard on Nancy, seeing her dad go through this on top of all the other changes that had been part of this unwelcomed and difficult process.

That is the moment in which the idea for Smart Adaptive Clothing was born. Nancy realized that how we DRESS directly impacts how we FEEL. Our confidence is directly linked to the way we perceive ourselves. When we look good, we feel and perform better.

Though the clothing line was not developed in time for Bo to be able to benefit, there are so many other loved ones who can. Currently, one in five Americans adults live with some type of disability. Smart Adaptive Clothing was developed for all those with any kind of difference—be it physical or otherwise—that requires the easy fasten, effortless style this line provides. “Everyone deserves independence and dignity,” says Nancy. “And that’s what Smart Adaptive Clothing is all about.” Because it turns out, that when there is enough motivation, compassion and inspiration, there IS another way.

Smart Adaptive Clothing: Selected For You

Smart Adaptive Clothing

The Rose Adaptive Blouse


Smart Adaptive Clothing

The Bo Adaptive Shirt
